Studiengangsleitung Tanz und Theater im Sozialen, Tanz- / Theaterpädagogik (B.A.)
Professur für Urban Education with a focus on the Performing and Creative Arts
Tanz und Choreographie, Social Justice Arts, Achtsamkeit und kontemplative Pädagogik, somatische Praxen, global Arts and Culture
2013: Promotion Urban Education with a focus on the Performing and
Creative Arts an der University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2009: Master of Fine Arts in Performance/Choreografie an der
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2006: Master of Arts in Tanzpädagogik an der University of California,
Los Angeles
1983-1987: Bachelor of Arts in Tanz und Theater an der University of
California, Los Angeles
1983: Highschool-Abschluss an der Holy Cross High School in San
Antonio, Texas
Berufliche Stationen vor der Hochschule:
Seit 2017: Lehrbeauftragter für die Abteilung ITP/IMA an der Tisch
School of the Arts der New York University, NYC.
Seit 2021: Dozent für Digitales Produktdesign an der Hochschule für
Bildende Künste Essen (HBK Essen.
2018 - 2020: Experte für Gesundheitsförderung und
Gesundheitscoach an der Folkwang Universität der Künste in Essen.
2012 - 2016: Assistant Professor am St. Mary's College in Maryland,
2011 - 2012: Gastprofessor an der Webster University, MO.
2010: Gastprofessor am Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT,
Boston MA.
2008 - 2009: Gastprofessor für Tanz an der Duke University, NC.
1994-2019: Instruktor für Impuls e.V., Bremen.
1994 - 2000: Solist am Bremer Tanztheater unter der Leitung von
Susanne Linke und Urs Dietrich.
1992 - 1993: Gasttänzerin bei Pina Bausch, Wuppertaler Tanztheater
Nebenberufliche Tätigkeiten:
Seit 1989: Choreograph und Darsteller des Leonard-Cruz-Tanztheaters
Seit 2020: Gründer des Creative, Arts, and Resilience Project
(C.A.R.P.) Network, der Shapeshifting Game App. und des Learning through the Arts and Bringing Awareness Now (L.A.B.A.N.) Project
Seit 2013: Yoga-Lehrer
Seit 2017: Lehrer für Achtsamkeitsmeditation
Seit 2010: Experte für Vielfalt und Eingliederung
Seit 2009: Integrativer Gesundheitscoach
Seit 1989: Fitnesstrainer (Pilates, Mui Thai, Escrima,
Wirbelsäulengymnastik, Wassergymnastik)
Seit 1967: Tänzer und Forscher für traditionelle Tänze der Philippine
Mitgliedschaften und Funktionen außerhalb der Hochschule:
Mitglied und ständiger Gast im Vorstand des Dachverbandes Tanz
Vorstandsmitglied der Presidential Scholars Academy in den USA
Planungsausschuss und Mitglied der Association of Contemplative
Mind in Higher Education in den USA
Mitglied der Yoga-Alliance
Mitglied von Create and Activate für das Network Ensemble of
Theaters/Theater Netword of Ensembles (NET/TEN) in den US
Studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement an der Folkwang Universität der Künste, Fachtagung:
Studentisches Gesundheitsmangaement umstetzen, etablieren, weiterentwickeln, Museum for
Communication, Frankfurt am Main, June 2019.
3. Gesundheitstag/Health Day, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Kammermusksaal/AStA Cafe,
Essen, Juni, 2019
Gib Mir Eine Pause! Give Me A Break! , Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, January 2019.
Autsch! Ouch! Was Tun Bei Einem Unfall? What to Do in Case of an Accident?, Folkwang
Universität der Künste, Essen, 2018.
Integrative Health Coaching and You, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, 2018.
2. Gesundheitstag/Health Day, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Kammermusksaal, Essen,
November, 2018
1. Gesundheitstag/Health Day, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Kammermusksaal, Essen, May
2023 Storytelling Through Creative Arts and Contemplative Pedagogie s. W orkshop für
21. & 22. September 2023.
2023 BEING WITH SELF, OTHERS, AND THE UNIVERSE: Integrating Animism for Embodiment,
Transformation and Empowerment an interactive workshop für 36 th Annual Body-
Mind-Centering Conference, Hobart-William Smith College, New York vom 21-25 Juni,
2023 Shapeshifting Game, children workshop, solo performance, film austellung, für
Internationales Theatre Institute Academy (ITI Academy) Theatre De Welt 2023 ITI
Academy week in Offenbach/Frankfurt am Main vom July 8-15, 2023.
2023 Storytelling Through Creative Arts and Contemplative Pedagogies: Fostering
Embodiment, Inclusion, and Empowerment. Workshop für HASTAC 2023 Critical
Making and Social Justice at Pratt Institute, New York City vom Juni 8-10, 2023.
2023 The Evolving Chair Practice: A Mindfulness and Embodies Animist Approach for
LGBTQIA+ Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Teaching for Equity, Yoga Alliance March-
May 2023.
2023 Decolonizing Dance and Making Changes to Cultural/Arts Organizations. Keynote
Speaker, Solo Dance, and C.A.R.P. workshof für Think Tank: create more community
imagine the other , Schwankhalle Bremen vom 9th - 11th of February 2023.
2022 The Evolving Chair Practice: A Mindfulness and Embodies Animist Approach for
LGBTQIA+ Elders, für In My Mind 2022 a one-day online mental health
conference focused on LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color, Oct 7, 2022.
2022 Amihan: Moon Warrior of Miracles , solo dance evening von Leonard Cruz Tanztheater
und Artist in Residence at Topaz Arts Gallery in Woodside, Queens on May 21, 2022.
2022 Amihan: Moon Warrior of Miracles , 15-minute excerpt für Movement Research at the
Judson Church in New York City, May16, 2022.
2022 Amihan: Moon Warrior of Miracles, 30-minute excerpt für the State Association Dance
Scene Bremen on 25. /26. April, 2022.
2022. Shapeshifting Game , a short dance/music film by Leonard Cruz and Dana Lyn has
received honourable mention at the Athens International Short Film Festival and will
also be screened at Momentum Gallery's "No Longer Valid" Exhibition in Warsaw,
Poland from March 23-April 6, 2022.
2022 Storytelling Through the Arts für the Decolonizing Tertiary Dance Education: Time To
Act Conference hosted by Stockholm University of the Arts and Makerere University
taking place from April 7-8, 2022.
2021 NET/TEN Virtual Exploration Grant Awardee and will partner with Jump-Start
Performance Co. teaching Arts integration Workshops in San Antonio, Texas throughout
the year.
CONTEMPLATIVE PEDAGOGY , a webinar für the Association of Contemplative Mind in
Higher Education, August 18, 2021.
2021 Shapeshifting Game, a dance film by Leonard Cruz and Dana Lyn , für Joe's Pub (The
Public Theater in N.Y.C.) Digital Duets Micro-commissions , June 11, 2021.
2021 Decolonizing Dance: An Anti-Oppressive Dialog with Dancers , hosted by Okay, Let's
Unpack This and Gibney Dance in New York City. 2021
2021 Integrative Environmental Contemplative Pedagogy: A Transformational Animist
Approach an interactive webinar für Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher
Education (ACMHE) Conference, November 5-7, 2021.
2021 Evolving Yoga: A Contemporary Embodiment Animist Approach für The Embodied
Learning Summit held at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, March 19, 2021.
2021 Storytelling Through Creative Arts and Contemplative Pedagogies: Fostering
Embodiment, Inclusion, and Empowerment for the Association of Contemplative Mind in
Higher Education, January 8, 2021.
2020 December 6, 2020 11 am CT honoree as one of three: Brunch of Champions of
Creativity, Connection and Courage for Jump-Start Performance Co.
2020 Dance Like Your Life Depends on it, A World AIDS Day , Panelist and in Conversation for
the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts , December 1, 2020 .
2020 Continuous Replay: Come Together , danced and performed for Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane
& Co. November 19, 2020
2020 Storytelling Through the Arts During Covid-19, invited as an esteemed guest speaker
for RIDES at Harvard University Graduate School of Education , November 9, 2020
2019 Storytelling Through Artistic, Creative, and Contemplative Bodies: Fostering Inclusion,
Embodiment, and Empowerment , für In My Mind: A LGBTQ+ Peoples Of Color Mental
Health Conference held at the New School, New York, New York , October 11, 2019.
2017 Incorporating Laban's Eight Effort Qualities In One's Mindfulness and Contemplative
Practice: Empowering and Uplifting LGBTQ and Peoples of Color , für In My Mind: A LGBTQ Peoples Of Color Mental Health Conference, held at the Stewart Hotel, New
York, New York.
2016 The Penelope Project: An Arts Based Odyssey to Change Elder , choreographed this site
specific work in an elderly care facility. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
2016 Laban's 8 Effort Qualities in a Teacher's Mindfulness Practice , für Transforming Higher
Eduction 8th Annual ACMHE Conference held at the University of Amherst , Oct. 7-9, 2016
2014 Spoken Word, Dance and Mus ic, paper presentation and workshop für All Movement is
Physical Theater f ür the Network of Ensembles at the New School, New York City, New
2013 Laban Movement Analysis as a Methodology for Promoting Creativity and the Arts
Across the Curriculum Defense of Dissertation for the University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee. ProQuest Publication.
2012 Laban Movement Analysis in an Integrative Health Coaches Practice workshop
presentation held at Duke University's Integrative Medicine's Alumni Conference.
2011 Harnessing the Power of Social Justice within the Arts in Education a
workshop/presentation held at the Educators Network f ü r Social Justice Conference
hosted at the American Indian Community School of Franklin, Wisconsin.
2010 Racial Realism of Asian/Pacific Islanders from Stereotypes, Yellow- face, to Restrictive
Portrayals on Stage, Film and Media f ü r the Multicultural Conference held at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
2010 Research Study Presentation on Improvisation in the Classroom: The use of Laban
Movement Analysis in Making the Creative Connection at the University of Wisconsin–
2009 The Spiral in Southeast Asian Thought/Practice and its Use in Western Dance
Improvisation , für the World Dance Alliance Conference held at the University of
2009 Improvisation in the Classroom and the Integration of Laban Movement Analysis as a
Creative Connection in Taking Risks , Duke University for the Multicultural Center ,
Durham, North Carolina.
2008 Chancellor's Award von the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
2002-2008 Choreographie Funding von Kulturbu ̈ ro Essen, Germany.
2007 Creativity Throughout the Year: A Book for Learning and Teaching in the Arts , a guide
used für the Yehudi Menuhin Stiftung in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
2006 Authentic Emotions: Intercultural Music, Theater, and Dance Collaborations Shared
through the APPEX 2006 Experience , written and published for the U.C.L.A. Archives
and APPEX Home Page , Los Angeles, California.
2006 Celebrating 10 Years of Choreography in Germany: A Retrospective Focus on Five
Choreographic Work s, Masters Degree Thesis for U.C.L.A. and is part of the Deutsche
Tanz Archivs in Cologne, Germany.
2006 APPEX Fellow at the University of California at Los Angeles
2006 50 Recognized Choreographers for the Deutschland Tanz Platform Catalog
2005 Bessie Schoenberg Choreographer in Residence at the Yard Martha ́s Vineyard, MA.
2005 Up and Coming Choreographer f ü r Ballet International YearBook 2005.
2005 Schritte Verfolgen - Portrait on the Choreograper Susanne Linke by Norbert Servos. I
danced for this Choreographer 6 years in Germany and I am mentioned on page 177 in
this book.
2004 Recognized as National Choreographer in Germany, Deutsche Tanzplatform Düsseldorf,
1999-200 1 Choreographic Funding von the Kultursenator in Bremen, Germany.
1997 - 1998 DanceWeb Prize IMPULS International Tanzwochen Wien, Austria.
1995 Last Night On Earth" by Bill T. Jones. I danced with the company from 1989 until 1992. I
am mentioned in this book during the production of "The Last Supper at Uncle Tom ́s
1994 - 2000 Soloist at the Bremen Dance Theater under the direction of Susanne Linke and Urs
1993 Ausgangspunkt Folkwang" Zur Geschichte des Modernen Tanzes in Nordrhein-
Westfalen. This book was an overview about the German Tanztheatre History in the
Northrhein Westfalia area published for a Russian Tour. I am mentioned in this book as
one of the dancers involved with this tour.
1992 - 1993 Guest with Pina Bausch, Wuppertaler Tanztheater and member of the Folkwang
1989 - 1992 Dancer for Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane and Co. Tours to over 39 Cities Internationally.
1984 - 1989 Full scholarships to study dance at U.C.L.A. for both B.A. and M.A. degrees.
1983 Named a finalist in International Dance f ür YoungArts in Miami, Florida and became the
first Filipino American to be named a Presidential Scholar in the Arts.
Cruz, Leonard; (2023) ; Storytelling Through Creative Arts and Contemplative Pedagogies,
research paper for (Forschungs-)Netzwerk Achtsamkeit in der Bildung University of Leipzig.
Cruz, Leonard; (2023): Storytelling Our Implicit Biases Through the Arts: An Intervention in
Building Community , publication for the Internationales Theaterinstitut Academy Journal #4.
Cruz, Leonard; (2022): Shapeshifting Game App., in co-operation with Spalteholz media.UG
funded and for Dachverband Tanz Deutschland Distanz Solo.
Cruz, Leonard, Create & Activate Ensemble; (2022): NET/TEN Create & Activate Handbook,
Cruz, Leonard; ( 2020 ) : Integrative Health Coaching as the Health Promotion Expert at the
Folkwang University of the Arts , publication for the Technicher Krankenkasse and Folkwang
University of the Arts in Germany.
Cruz, Leonard and Basting, Ann; ( 2016 ) : The Penelope Project: An Arts Based Odyssey to Change Elder Care " co-wrote "The Magic of the Movement." University of Iowa Press.
Cruz, Leonard; ( 2013 ) : Laban Movement Analysis as a Methodology for Promoting Creativity and
the Arts Across the Curriculum , Doctoral Dissertation for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. ProQuest Publication.
Cruz, Leonard; (2009): The Spiral in Southeast Asian Thought/Practice and its use in Western
Dance Improvisation . Master of Fine Arts Thesis, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.
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